My Approach


Counselling is not a treatment: it requires commitment and effort from both the counsellor and the clients. Sometimes it can be challenging as you are forced to consider some uncomfortable aspects of the situation you find yourself in. At times it can be sad or amusing as you recall past experiences or situations. Ultimately the experience can be life changing and may change the way you view yourself, your relationships and what is important to you in your life. My aim is to create a safe space where you can be heard and not judged. Together we will determine the pace of counselling and I will offer you a number of interventions so that we can choose a way of working that you feel most meet your needs.

I enjoy working with all types of people and embrace difference and diversity. I have experience of working with couples of all ages, people from different cultural backgrounds, same sex couples and couples where one of the partners is managing a mental or physical health issue. I am experienced in working with individuals or couples at key points in their lives, when faced with major change. For example, death, divorce, having children, changing jobs, redundancy , following the discovery of an affair or the diagnosis of an illness.

All of these events are referred to as life stage changes.

“It's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11

Counselling can be short or long term. This depends on the issue being worked on and what you want the outcome of the process to be.

I work integratively, which means I use elements from a number of different theoretical models depending on the requirement of the person or couple I am working with.


People frequently seek counselling when:-

# They are about to make a commitment.

# Discover an affair.

# There is too much sex or not enough sex.

# Run out of energy to keep arguing.

# Feeling trapped or unfulfilled.

# Find out troubling information about their partner’s online activities.

# There is conflict within the family between a parent or child or both parents and a child.

#  One partner’s addiction is impacting on the relationship.

# A major life change: children leave home, redundancy, the death of a child or partner, moving to a different area.

# Or issues that come with old age, such as health, mortality. Exploring how we can reevaluate our purpose, and what comes next. ADAPTING TO CHANGE >>>

“Can’t help think we have been particularly lucky to have Jo as our

therapist. She has been insightful, caring & inspiring. Counselling has

been a brilliant help to us.”

Anna & Richard


What can you expect from counselling?

Healthy relationships can have a big impact on emotional wellbeing. I therefore offer respect, warmth and empathy to help you build a trusting relationship with me, providing a safe space for you to work through your issues. I will work with you to decide on a course of action that we both feel will best help you make positive changes in whatever areas are most concerning you.